Discover La Toussire every evening starting 5.30 PM.
Accessible to everyone, no permit recquired.
Renseignements et inscriptions :
Tél: 04 79 56 74 86 ou 06 69 68 74 86
a snowmobile for one or two persons
A driver for my ride
GROUPE – Please consult us for more information.
At least 10 snowmobiles.
A few informations
The guide : For your own safety, the respect of the environment and regulations, you will be following him on a pre-established track.
Paths : selected for their beauty, they will make you enjoy snowmobiles while admiring the beauty of mountains. Protect them.
Snowmobiles : 10 550 cc YAMAHA snowmobiles with 2 steats. Driving is very simple : one accelerator, one brake.
The trek : we will brief you for a few minutes before leaving. You will enjoy 50 minutes of snowmobile.
Safety :minimum distance of 20 meters bewteen snowmobiles. You will have to follow the guide. Mandatory helmet.
Insurance : you will benefit from a RC if you respect the rules. Insurance doe not cover damages done to the equipment.
Deposit : 200 € mandatory deposit for the snowmobile. It will be deducted if damage is done to the equipment.
Paiement : paiment will be done during reservation. No credit cards..
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